HybriQ is a pioneering technology by Silestone®

An innovative generation of surfaces with a hybrid formulation. A new high performance, low crystalline silica mix of premium minerals, quartz and recycled glass.
The result is a more beautiful and sustainable product. Silestone with HybriQ technology is made through a production process fuelled entirely by renewable energy and recycled water.
This new generation maintains the high quality that characterises Silestone® surfaces.

Čo je HybriQ®?+

HybriQ® is an innovative technology developed and patented by Cosentino for the manufacture of the new Silestone®. It provides improved product performance and minimal environmental impact which contributes to maintaining a safe working environment. This new formulation results in a product composition where the presence of crystalline silica is significantly reduced. All Silestone® products labelled with HybriQ Technology® have a crystalline silica content below 50% or 10%, depending on the colour. For easy identification, all our slabs are labelled Q50 (maximum 50% crystalline silica) or Q10 (maximum 10% crystalline silica).

HybriQ benefits

More sustainability. More innovation.

More sustainability. More innovation.

HybriQ+ contains a minimum of 20% recycled materials and is manufactured using only renewable energy, 98% recycled water and circular economy.
Less crystalline silica content. Same performance.

Less crystalline silica content. Same performance.

Slabs with Q10 seal contain a maximum of 10% crystalline silica in their composition.
Exceptional quality and very low content of crystalline silica.

Exceptional quality and very low content of crystalline silica.

Slabs with Q50 seal contain a maximum of 50% crystalline silica in their composition.

What the media say about us

What is the difference between HybriQ y HybriQ+?

hibriq logo | Cosentino hybriq plus logo | Cosentino
Contains premium minerals and low levels of crystalline silica tick | Cosentino tick | Cosentino
Manufactured using 98% recycled water tick | Cosentino tick | Cosentino
Circular economy in the production process tick | Cosentino tick | Cosentino
Manufactured entirely from renewable energy sources tick | Cosentino tick | Cosentino
Composed of a hybrid formulation of minerals tick | Cosentino tick | Cosentino
Contains a minimum of 20% recycled material tick | Cosentino

Silestone Loft Series with Hybriq Technology

HybriQ Technology - FAQ

HybriQ® is Cosentino´s strategic response to a market that increasingly demands transparency, sustainability and responsibility from its suppliers, which anticipates the most restrictive legislation and outlines a more sustainable future, committed to its entire value chain.

HybriQ® je technológia vyvinutá a patentovaná spoločnosťou Cosentino na výrobu tohto nového Silestone®. Táto technológia kombinuje najmodernejšie procesy, techniky a materiály pri zachovaní všetkých výhod a vlastností Silestone®. Okrem toho HybriQ® zlepšuje vlastnosti Silestone a pracovné prostredie pre tých, ktorí manipulujú s produktom, čím znižuje vplyv jeho výroby na životné prostredie.

Úsilie spoločnosti Cosentino v oblasti výskumu a vývoja je zamerané na dva ciele: transformáciu výrobného procesu smerom k úplnej obehovosti a modifikáciu vzorca Silestone®.

Všetky produkty Silestone® s technológiou HybriQ® sú vyrobené zo 100 % obnoviteľnej energie a 99 % recyklovanej vody. V súlade s filozofiou obehového hospodárstva spoločnosti Cosentino sa odpad vznikajúci pri výrobe optimalizuje, opätovne využíva a vracia do výrobného cyklu ako surovina.

Zatiaľ čo technológia HybriQ® predstavuje revolúciu v oblasti trvalej udržateľnosti a bezpečnosti, HybriQ+ ide vo svojom záväzku k životnému prostrediu o krok ďalej.

Všetky farby Silestone® s technológiou HybriQ+® obsahujú minimálne 20 % recyklovaných materiálov, ako je sklo, vďaka čomu je výrobok udržateľnejší vďaka opätovnému použitiu odpadu.

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