Cosentino Design Challenge12
Cosentino City Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Cosentino Design Challenge is an international competition which boosts creativity and talent amongst architecture and design students around the world. This initiative, promoted by Cosentino Group, has been celebrated for the twelfth time.

This years Cosentino Design Challenge winners for the Architecture Category worked under the topic "Cosentino and the Scenic Arts".

First Prize, Geoda of Marble, by Laura García Navas (ESADA)
Second Prize, Stalctige, by Miguel J.Martínez Peirotén (ETSAM)
Third Prize, Duttile, by Estela Benito Molina ( Universidad de Zaragoza)
Accessits, At the edge, by Gema Barranco Martín (ESADA), Just an Illusion, by Charles Tutin and Gaspard Pellerin (École Camondo), Block, by Patricia Bintaned Trigo and Eduardo Fustero Jarque (Universidad de Zaragoza) and Darkness Lights, by Silvia Franco Tarriño (ESADA)

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1st Prize, Geoda of Marble from Laura García Navas (ESADA)
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2nd Prize, Stalactige from Miguel J. Martínez Peirotén (ETSAM)
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3rd Prize, Duttile from Estela Benito Molina (Universidad de Zaragoza)
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Accésits, Block from Patricia Bintaned Trigo y Eduardo Fustero Jarque (Universidad de Zaragoza), Darkness Lights from Silvia Franco Tarriño (ESADA)
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Accésits, At the edge from Gema Barranco Martín (ESADA), Just and illusion from Charles Tutin y Gaspard Pellerin (École Camondo)

On the other hand, the winners in the Design Category worked under the theme " Cosentino and Light"

First Prize, Marble Origami, by Sophie Perrier (ESAM Design)
Second Prize, Ascension of the Stones, by Ulises Moya Rodríguez (ESADA)
Third Prize, Bajo la sombra de un árbol, by David Hervás Rey (ETSAM)
Accessits, LascasLamp, by Arturo Garrido Velilla (ETSAM), Wink Light, by Julie Lefranc (ESAM Design), SUNSET, by Cristina Moreno García (Escuela Politécnica Superior de Sevilla).

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1st Prize, Marble Origami from Sophie Perrier (ESAM Design)
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2nd Prize,  Ascension of the Stones from Ulises Moya Rodríguez (ESADA)
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3rd Prize, Bajo la sombra de un árbol from David Hervás Rey (ETSAM
Bildnummer 40 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Cosentino Design Challenge12 von Cosentino Deutschland
Accésits, (izq) LascasLamp de Arturo Garrido Velilla (ETSAM)(dcha arriba) Wink Light de Julie Lefranc (ESAM Design), (dcha abajo) SUNSET de Cristina Moreno García (Escuela Politécnica Superior de Sevilla)
Bildnummer 41 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Cosentino Design Challenge12 von Cosentino Deutschland


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