Cloud Forest
An artificial ecosystem thanks to technology and nature working side by side.

The British firm WilkinsonEyre has carried out one of the most ambitious environmental projects in the world: Cloud Forest in Bay South Garden of Gardens by the Bay, in Singapore. These climate-controlled spaces bring a slice of the Mediterranean to the tropics. Two structures of steel and glass contain a series of water masses in constant motion that generate the specific temperature and humidity conditions for these plants to thrive in. Beside this confined nature are aerial structures that bring visitors to the tops of the vertical gardens. The main objective was zero consumption in a project where energy use seems inevitable.

Bildnummer 32 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Cloud Forest von Cosentino Deutschland
© Craig Sheppard
Bildnummer 33 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Cloud Forest von Cosentino Deutschland
© Craig Sheppard
Bildnummer 34 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Cloud Forest von Cosentino Deutschland
© Craig Sheppard
Bildnummer 35 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Cloud Forest von Cosentino Deutschland
© Craig Sheppard
Bildnummer 36 des aktuellen Abschnitts von Cloud Forest von Cosentino Deutschland


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